vrijdag 19 juni 2015

On Shameless Plugging and Weird Conversations

"In de jaren daarop bekroop mij de vraag of ik wel een eerbaar man was. Dit lange wachten, dit ontzeggen, dit eeuwige emotionele vasten, was dit een teken van indrukwekkende deugdzaamheid of was het gewoon de misleidende emanatie van mijn angst voor verandering? Was ik een man die zijn zwakheden, zijn angsten als deugden wist te camoufleren? Iemand wiens angst voor elke verandering ten onrechte als "trouw" werd geïnterpreteerd?"
-Dominique Biebau, Ijslands Gambiet

Apologies for the Dutch quote, a first in this blog-thingy. It comes from a book a former teacher of mine (and current friend, if I dare say) wrote, and after reading it this past week (in the span of about four hours, because it was that good) I feel like doing some plugging. For all of my Dutch-speaking readers looking for something fresh to read over the summer, I highly recommend you pick up this book. The back may say it's a thriller, but in reality, it's a carefully crafted tale that beautifully mixes Literature (with a capital L), chess and raw human emotion. No, really. Mr. Biebau (I will never be able to call him Dominique) has managed to take a genre that has been diluted by thousands of 13-in-a-dozen novels in the past decade, filled with the same, worn-out plot-twists and grotesque characters, and turn it into something completely different. It's not perfect, but good literature doesn't have to be. So please, support an emerging author trying to leave his mark on a world that is more interested in the latest piece of fan-fiction that appeals to hordes of 14-year-olds, and pick up this book the next time you're in a good book store. I promise you won't be disappointed, and if you are, you can take it up with me.

Now, for the crux of this update. You may remember the last two entries had somewhat of an overarching theme (slight understatement) and were published within a week of each other, and to my surprise, I received a ton of positive feedback on the both. The amount of readers was quite high compared to what I usually average, included four different continents (really) and for some reason, plenty of you felt the need to contact me directly. I greatly enjoy all the feedback, and it's always nice to know your words actually meant something to someone (though, obviously not to the one you wrote them for. Writers, like just about everyone else whose job involves any kind of public exposure, do what they do not be heard, seen or read by the masses, but to be heard, seen or read by the people who actually inspired them in the endeavour. It's called having a giant ego and one leg outside of reality. To quote Jeff Winger: "Do you think astronauts go to the moon because they hate oxygen? No, they're trying to impress their high school prom kings"). Personally, I was quite proud of both entries, which showed exactly how not-petty I am and were the writings of an adult whose obviously awesome enough to write something like that and therefor prime dating material, you ******* ****, but the fact you liked it as well warmed my heart, to use Big Words.

Two people jumped out, however, and in both cases, I was supremely confused. I've had some weird conversations in my day, and both have now entered the discussion for the top spot. I'm not going to give you any details (that would be mean) but I will describe the situation, to give you a glimpse.

The first started a day after I published the initial post (I think), when I received a message from a certain Dutch girl. This girl (young woman at this point) and I shared two nights in the French Basque Country seven years ago, and we hadn't spoken since. I was still a young pup at the time, inexperienced in the ways of the world, who had only ever shared my bed with one woman. I am about 99.9 percent certain this girl did not have a good time, a plausible explanation for why I never heard of her again after those two nights. Although, in general, you don't really keep up after you do that sort of thing.

I'm telling you all of this to explain to you what a shock it was to me when she sent me a message telling me she read my blog and was touched by my words. We spent the next couple of days sending messages back and forth, finding out how we both had been, what we were up to and where we were going next. It was actually really nice, and I'm really glad she decided to send me that first message, although it was a bit weird. Sometimes the little things can give you great joy, and in this instance, it really did.

About a week later, things got even weirder when I got a message from an ex-girlfriend of mine, the last girl I was in a serious relationship with, little over three years ago. We spoke sporadically in the months after we broke up, and when she met someone new, all communications seized as he (understandably) wasn't too keen on having his significant other texting her ex-boyfriend all the time.

That changed last week, when she messaged me out of the blue to see how I was. Apparently, I'd been on her mind a lot in the past few weeks, and she just wanted to find out. I was taken aback, because I had just visited her Facebook page less than an hour before, for the first time in God-knows-how-long, asking the same questions (she hadn't updated her Facebook page in over three years, which is an impressive feat for a 20-something in 2015).

This particular conversation went a little less smoothly, for obvious reasons, although there were no unpleasantries or harsh feelings that sometimes creep up when talking to someone you saw naked, repeatedly, for a period of time before breaking things off. Nonetheless, it was as pleasant as the first, as this is obviously a girl I loved very much, and someone who will always have a special place in my heart (Big Words). To find out what she had been up to and how/what she is doing right now is something I never would have expected, but I'm glad I was given the opportunity.

Before anyone asks (and I know you will, because I know my friends), I am not hooking up with either. And not just because neither lives in the same country I do.

So, I guess that's about it. The past two weeks have been really slow, with my friends studying for exams, my former love interest bringing the hammer down on what we had going and me spending most of my time working. Outside of ordering food or telling the cashier I'l be paying by card, I had two actual conversations with people all week, wishing my dad a happy Father's Day and talking to Mr. Biebau Dominique at a recent book signing, where he handed me a beautiful, signed copy of Ijslands Gambiet, a novel you should all read. Seriously.

There's some big decisions coming up during the summer, mainly focused on where I'll be living once summer has passed, but that's something that comes up once every six months, so it's hardly news, is it?

Take care all of you. And if any ex-girlfriends, one-night stands of the past, people I bullied in middle school or former colleagues feel the need to catch up, please don't hesitate. As I recently found out, it can actually be quite fun.

Later guys.

Song of the Day
Mr. Airplane Man - Sun Sinking Low

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