zondag 12 juli 2015

On Working at McDonalds and Indubitability

"I'm Lovin' It"

I recently had to deal with some major connectivity issues, spending three days without access to the internet in my appartement (because my landlord couldn't be othered to get it fixed in time), and given the fact my job literally takes place on the internet, that was kind of a problem. It gave me a chance to catch up on my reading during my spare time, but I also had to find a way to work one eight-hour shift, between the hours of 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. CET. With my options fairly limited, I decided to spend the day working from the McDonalds below my house. Here's the story of my day.

1p.m: How can there only be one power outlet in this entire McDonalds? Seriously. This place has two floors and thousands of customers every day, of which at least a portion plans to plug in and do some interwebbing. One plug? Come on.
Also, how the hell can a McDonalds be this busy at 1p.m? I don't have the healthiest eating pattern, but this is absurd.

2p.m: I forgot my computer mouse, and I've spent the past 35 minutes looking at someone who looks trustworthy enough to keep an eye on my laptop for 3 minutes.

3p.m: Starting to get hungry, and the irony isn't lost on me. The queue is far too long, can't get in line as I'm working. Also, need to keep an eye on my laptop. But I'm so goddamn hungry and all this food keeps passing me by. Ugh.

4p.m: There's a girl sitting two tables to my left with two guys, and she just informed the duo she broke up with her boyfriend of two years. She sort of drops it casually, but it's ridiculously obvious she's into one of the two guys, and this is kind of messed up. She's actually flirting. Now she's crying. Now she's flirting again. The guy has no idea. People are awful.

5p.m: Apparently, McDonalds has only one CD they play on a loop, and it's "Smash Hits of 1997." I am in hell right now. My bum is also starting to hurt, and I'm so, so hungry. I need another horny chick who just broke with her long-time boyfriend a week ago to make a pass at a long-time friend.

6p.m: Lunch. Time for Nuggets and all the bacon I can find.

6:20 p.m: Some d*ck stole my power outlet. Two Dutch girls join me at my table even though the entire floor is empty, and proceed to make it very clear they don't appreciate me taking up quite a bit of space with my computer mouse. Maybe don't sit next to the guy working on a laptop with the giant set of earphones on, idiot.

7:40 p.m: My editor mercifully ends my nightmare. Good thing I had to work overtime the days before and was able to make a deal. I never want to see McDonalds again.

8:30 p.m: Hello McRib. Sorry, I had to. Thus endeth my adventure at McDonalds.

What else is new? After a very busy period at work (Wimbledon and the Tour de France) things have cooled down a bit for me in the past days, which is always nice. I even managed to spend an evening with Elise, who was in Belgium for a couple of days before going back to London. I finally found someone who could appreciate the Genius that is Fishing With John, although that last Long Island Iced Tea she had may have had something to do with that.

We were actually planning on staying up to catch the premier of Seven Days in Hell, but Miss Elise had to get up at an ungodly hour and was already buzzing, so that never happened. I did manage to catch it later, and if you haven't watched it yet, I can't recommend it enough. It's insanely good. Like, Kung Fury-good. And not that much longer.

The Tour has been incredible so far, the Red Sox suddenly look like a competent baseball team and along with my heavy work schedule, the past two weeks have been filled to the brim with social encounters and pleasant conversations (and then some) so there's little to complain about, really. Life has been short on incidents these past few weeks, which is very pleasant but also leads to very mediocre blog entries I'm afraid. You'll have to do with my McDonalds story for now. Don't worry, these periods of tranquility usually don't last very long.

Take care guys.

Edit: I totally forgot to mention the teaser for the Sherlock Christmas Special. Arguably the highlight of my week. Sorry Elise. 

Song of the Day: The Bioshock Infinite version of God Only Knows